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The ASO was organized to discover and conserve archaeological sites and material in Ohio; to seek and promote a better understanding among students and collectors of archaeological material, both professional and non-professional including individuals, museums, and institutions of learning; and to disseminate knowledge on the subject of archaeology. If you support these goals, please consider a donation to the ASO. As a 501(c) organization, any donations made to the ASO are tax-deductible, and you will be helping to ensure the continued existence and growth of our society. We will be glad to provide proof of your donation for use with your taxes. Simply request this with your donation.

We are actively accepting donations to help support the following:

  • general funding (non-specific use);

  • the biennial archaeological symposium;

  • future building fund

You can support the ASO in a number of ways including a bequest or other planned giving mechanism, a donation in a loved ones honor, or simply a one-time donation to support the society.

You may either donate online using your credit card or by check through the mail using the donation form.


You can increase the value of your donation by taking advantage of your employers matching gift program. Many companies support charitable organizations by matching dollar for dollar (or more) the gifts that their employees or retirees make to charitable causes. Please contact your employers Human Resource office to obtain a Matching Gift form and note the matching gift on either the online donation form or the paper form.

Thank you for supporting the ASO. If you have any questions or would like to discuss donation opportunities, contact us.



Planned giving, bequests, deferred giving, legacy gifts are terms to describe the mode of donating through estate-planning vehicles such as trusts and wills. Planned giving provides a number of benefits to the donor, including significant tax incentives, the opportunity to specify how the funds will be used, and the ability support a cause without effecting the donor’s current financial situation (since most planned giving takes effect after the life of the donor). A bequest is 100% deductible from a donor’s estate and can reduce potential estate taxes. Certain planned giving vehicles also enable the donor to ensure that his or her heirs will be financially provided for, while supporting a charitable organization such as the ASO. If you are considering planned giving to the ASO, we suggest you work with an attorney and tax advisor to design the most beneficial program for you, your family, and the ASO. To confidentially discuss planned giving to ASO, contact the President or an Officer of the Society.

Thank you for your support of the ASO.

 Business Manager - Phone: 937.926.6400
1166 E Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd, Suite 269
Fairborn, OH 45324 USA

©2025 by The Archaeological Society of Ohio

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